
Getting rid of old keys

May 29, 2012

Today we returned home from a short family vacation to discover that we had not taken spare house keys with us. Luckily, the friends who were checking on our house were able to return the keys we had leant to them. Phew.

After we got settled in, I went straight to our big pile of 18 random keys - the place where all destitute keys go to live - to try and find another spare.

I then proceeded to walk around the house and check all of our locks. None of these keys fit any door.

Which got me to thinking; Where did all of these keys come from?

I know one is for an old vehicle that we previously owned and another is for a bike lock that I lost long ago, but the others...well, I have no idea.

The thing with old keys is that it's really hard to throw them away. What if one day by chance, a key suddenly works in some random door that you'd long forgotten about? Or maybe a case? An old box?

I guess at some point I just need to commit. Either:

  1. Grab the whole pile and toss them all into the garbage;
  2. sell them on eBay like my grandfather used to do; or
  3. keep them where they are.

Right now, it just seems so risky to choose option 1 or 2.

Maybe I'll take a couple of days to test some more locks.